Tips & Tricks to Know

Packing Your Books
Here are some recommendations for shipping your books for cleaning and pressing. This is generally how books are shipped from my place to CGC
Never use packing tape on bags & boards! It does not separate from bag & boards well and can create situations requiring "surgery" to get the books out from the stack or it could result in extra pulling and bending of the books trying to separate them from each other.
Avoid using scotch tape to seal bags and boards. Use painters tape. It is easier to remove and should it make contact with a comic book it is easier to remove than scotch tape is. I remove all tape from the back of your books once they arrive to make sure there aren't problems.
"Brick" the books. Use painters tape to keep them locked together AND fold over the end of the painters tape so it is easy to pull away and remove. Use a backing board on the top and bottom when you brick the books so when you secure in a gemini you can tape the stack down to where it doesn't shift (tape to bags sometimes allows shifting).
Consider alternating the books so that the spines don't all stack on one side.
Use painters tape to secure the books inside the Gemini on all three points to avoid shifting in the box - top left, bottom left and bottom right. Bricking your books with a backing board on top and bottom will help keep the books from shifting once tapped down as well. We don't want the books bouncing in the Gemini.
For added protection put the Gemini in a small box with padding around it. Again, make sure the Gemini doesn't bounce around the box.
Deciding What to Submit
All your books will be shipped to CGC together. Depending on what you submit, your order will ship from CGC together or separate:
Any books from before 1975 (Vintage) will ship separately books from 1975 to present (Modern).
Any books with custom labels would ship separately from CGC. So if you do 1 custom label and four regular submissions they will ship back to you in two boxes.
Books valued up to $400, books valued $401-$1,000, and books valued over $1,000 will all ship separately as well from CGC.
Each separate shipping typically (but may vary) starts at $20 shipping for each group of 5 books plus a $5.00 per order. For each set of 5 after the first set you pay $5.00 more shipping.
So if you send 2 silver age books and 7 books from 1975 to present you will pay at least $25 S&H for the silver age books and at least $30 S&H for the modern books.