Comic Cleaning & Pressing Services
We are pleased to offer dry cleaning and pressing services for our customers. Dry cleaning involves the use of tools that do not include chemical cleaning. As such, our dry cleaning methods and pressing will typically address and improve the conditions:
Dirty covers/pages
Bends that do not break color
Creasing that does not break color
Waviness of Covers
Spine rolls
and in some cases attached items/debris such as stickers or other items stuck to the cover/pages
Dry cleaning and pressing will NOT repair the following defects:
Pen, marker or other ink
Bends, creases, and indents that break color
Rusted, missing, or loose staples
Tears or missing pieces
Detached pages/covers from the staples
Spine splits
Brittle or fragile pieces
Restoration (such as coloring over a spot with marker)